Press Reactions
The American press's reaction to our last issue of Ambassador Report was both enthusiastic and encouraging. It is impossible for us to know exactly how many newspapers have carried stories about Ambassador Report, but we suspect the number is around two hundred or more. We do know that articles very favorable to us (and not so favorable to the Armstrong-Rader group) have recently appeared in the Los Angeles Times, the Pasadena Star News, the Minneapolis Star, the Denver Post, the New York Times, the National Examiner, the Idaho Statesman, the San Antonio News, the Atlanta Journal, the Houston Post, the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Sarasota Herald Tribune, the Fort Wayne News Sentinel, the Shreveport Journal, the Tri-City Herald, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner, the (New Jersey) Herald News, the Boston Globe, the Montreal Gazette, and the Washington Post, to name just a few. (Please don't hesitate to send us any news clippings about the Report from your area.)
Excellent reviews of our last issue have also appeared in a number of respected Christian publications including Christianity Today (November 18, 1977) and Eternity (February 1978). A few not-so-Christian publications have also found the Report more than a little interesting. The managing editor of the American Atheist called, praised the Report, and ordered copies for his staff. "Born again" Hustler publisher, Larry Flynt, wrote us a personal note of congratulations and ordered a dozen copies for friends. The press's feelings toward Ambassador Report have been in many cases more than congratulatory. Russell Chandler of the Los Angeles Times wrote: "Ambassador Report is the first concerted attempt to document many of the accusations." Willmar Thorkelson of the Minneapolis Star said of the Report,"It may be the most devastating expose of a religious group ever published."
Besides the attention we have received from the press, we have also been favored by excellent media coverage. Many of our readers have reported hearing about the Report on local radio and television news programs. Some stations even called us and broadcast our phone interviews. Co-publishers Bob Gerringer and John Trechak have appeared on a number of radio talk shows and on NBC-TVs "Odyssey" program. Bob Gerringer and Co-publisher Len Zola were even invited to speak before the Unitarian Church's congregation in Pasadena.