Martin Luther King, Jr. shuts the lid on the
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DATELINE The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center Atlanta, Georgia August 10, 1999 Herbert W. Armstrong, in an effort to present himself to world leaders as a witness, attempted to meet Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today at his tomb in Atlanta. Dr. King, citing reasons of racism on the part of Mr. Armstrong, adamantly refused an audience with God's end-time apostle. Instead, the apostle was presented with a note from Dr. King. The message is reproduced below in its entirety.
Photo: The Apostle tries to bridge the waters at the grave of Martin Luther King, Jr. |
August 10, 1999
Dear Mr. Armstrong,
I regret to inform you that it is not my policy to meet with persons who on the surface support racial equality, while giving an underlying message of bigotry and racism. Your special October 1963 "race issue" of the Plain Truth Magazine covers my concerns quite well. I will quote liberally from this issue to illustrate why I find your racial views morally reprehensible.
In this issue, you reason that Black America of 1963 should be thankful for what they have instead of being discontent with injustice. In your opening Personal column, you state "American Negroes, as a whole, have more and larger refrigerators, electric washing machines, radio and television sets, automobiles and even homes, than the average WHITE person is able to afford in England, France, Spain and Italy." In the main article entitled The Real Cause of the Race Crisis!, you went on to state:
"The Communists are trying to break all color barriers, and, by intermarriage between races, UNITE all humanity as ONE color, and ONE race, with Communist leaders ruling over them." (Page 4).
"Christ was WHITE. Adam looked like Christ. So Adam was white." (Page 6)
"The Oriental race is a MUTATION from Adam's stock....The same is true of the Negro." (Page 23)
"MAN perverts God's Laws by interbreeding and producing a mongrel or hybrid." (Page 23)
"Noah and his wife were WHITE...Noah's racial strain had not been defiled by intermarriage -- it was without blemish -- perfect...At that time, two-thirds of the earth's population was white -- one-third colored. Today two-thirds is colored, and only one third white!" (Page 26)
"- here today we find the races trying to make ONE WORLD by INTEGRATION leading ultimately and inevitably to intermarriage between races! THAT WAS THE SIN THAT DESTROYED THE WORLD IN PUNISHMENT!" (Page 26)
"Noah was the ONLY man who was not guilty of this PERVERSION OF INTERMARRIAGE! ...ALL other human beings were destroyed--PUNISHED for this sin of interracial marriage." (Page 27)
"God is the author of SEGREGATION! But man is the author of INTEGRATION!" (Page 28)
"God ordained segregation - geographically as well as socially." (Page 28)
"But I know Southern White people, and also Southern Negroes in the United States. The Southern White people did not really mean to inflict unjust discrimination. In many ways they took great pains to try to treat Negroes kindly, and to help them." (page 28)
"Integrating and mixing races always has, and always will, cause jealousies, discrimination, degeneracy, violence and WAR! It pollutes the blood stream! It defiles those who do it!...Every breeder of fine livestock knows the champion prize-winning animals must be PURE-BRED!" (Page 30)
You attribute the depravity of mankind before and after the Flood as the result of interracial marriage. You attribute the discontent of the Civil Rights Movement on a Communist conspiracy to promote interracial marriage. You attribute the white race as "pure" and the other races as mere "mutations." This idea is not as original as you claim. The concept of racial purity and the God-ordained importance of preserving it was the hallmark of Hitler's Third Reich. He, too, promoted racial segregation and opposed integration to keep the strain pure. You sell racist lies under the pretense of hating discrimination.
The same year you wrote this article promoting the lie of equality through segregation, I delivered a speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. I found a Black America that struggled against a society steeped in the dogma of segregation and racial purity. A Black America that was not satisfied by having kitchen appliances better than those in Europe as you extolled. I stated:
"Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice...I have a dream...where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers...With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand for freedom together, knowing we will be free one day....And if America is to be a great nation this must become true."
Mr. Armstrong, I still have that dream. You are a nightmare.
Martin Luther King, Jr.