(For the record, AW regards British
Israelism in any form as irredeemably fallacious, totally discredited, and
intellectually indefensible.)
All2True EditorialMay, 2005“Any State or Organization that fails to recognize basic human rights and dignity is OBSOLETE.” -KScribe
In the years past, children were subjected to the gore of the future just before the wonderful world tomorrow. Hydrogen bomb blasts, people hanging from ceilings suspended on piano wire still alive with meat hooks through their gut, people made into slaves by the Germans--the ones unlucky enough not joining others in the place of safety--some of them little girls and boys to serve their masters without their parents while their parents had been made into lamp shades and 'leather' gloves for the German Masters to wear: Children two years old, three years old, four years old, not quite knowing the meaning of all the gruesome gore from the pulpit but remembering it. Mr. Michelson told the congregation at the Feast that his young son became preoccupied with an obsession with world events. His son was worried about the Great Tribulation and world events, nuclear bombs and captivities. He told us that this was not natural for a boy of seven and that he had determined that his son was bothered by demons. He then anointed his son and prayed to cast out the demons. The exorcism was successful, apparently, for his son went back to the business of being a little boy again. Our own son was not so lucky and is now an adult suffering from mental illness with the same obsessions he had with world conditions he had at seven years old. And who brought those personal demons to our children? I think you all know that it was Herbert Armstrong, so ably assisted by perverts bringing the horrors of our future; assistants like Gerald Waterhouse, Garner Ted Armstrong, Roderick Meredith and a whole host of Myrmidons willingly creating horror fantasy for the innocent who had no protection from their lurid visions. A friend in the church of gods told me about his sister. She had attended Ambassador College, had an affair with a married minister and dropped out of the church. She has had recurring nightmares of going through the Great Tribulation for years. They are frighteningly real dreams in full color great realistic detail. It is a gift of legacy she has reaped where she had not sown, created first in the Seventies while she was growing up in the WCG. And she has not been alone. Sometimes the graphic material is too much for even adults to take, even though we have been slowly conditioned to them over the years. A couple of years back, I was reading a passage in World News in Prophecy from United, when my wife told me to stop. The description of fifteen year old soldiers making captain in a foreign war because he was one of the most effective killers in the war, accompanied by lurid pictures, was too much for her. She couldn't take it any more. She was averse to the picture of the silhouette of the gunman on the front cover of The Good News. We have since shredded all our copies of that report, along with all the materials from all the church of gods. The UCG is not alone by any stretch of the imagination. No one seems to be safe from these forays into violent human behavior. Particularly vicious is those apparently calm and placid dudes over at the Living Church of God, Roderick Meredith, and the particularly pleasant Richard Ames. The literature they promote speaks reams to their sensibilities, however. On the front cover of March / April 2005 Tomorrow's World, there appears to be an aborted fetus, with promises of more to come on the inside. And sure enough, there are more photos of dead babies before delivery, with an article to boot, just after the editorial, Are you a compromiser and just before the article to teenagers, Who decides right from wrong? A much more important question to be pondered by the church of gods--all of them--is, what is the difference between right and wrong? It is very clear that they have all lost the ability to discern right from wrong and good from evil, if they ever had it. It is evident because of the exercise of such poor judgment to publish such things before the public to lure them into the worship of God and pretend to promote family values. Imagine this on your coffee table when the neighborhood kids come over to play in your Living room. It's time for the neighborhood watch program to kick in to excise the perverts with the abortion on their coffee table. Philadelphia and Restored are not guiltless. So everybody in the church of gods is just fine with this because we become attuned to the horror and gore begun by Herbert Armstrong? Is it a surprise that this is really rotten stuff? I mean, have our sensibilities been so seared by accepting this fare as being normal, that we fail to grasp how offensive this would be to the "normal" people in our neighborhood around us? To our coworkers? To our bosses? To the Christian Communities? Is this acceptable behavior? Isn't anyone outraged? Is anyone embarrassed? That United has a Chairman of the Ethics Committee is laughable, not laudable. KScribe writes:
The church of gods do not allow people to have basic human dignity--there is no honor to whom honor and custom to whom custom. For each person who enters the environment, the person is shown how wrong and evil he or she is--reduced to being initiated into an elite fraternity where you have to learn the rules of life all over again. The initiates are regarded as nothing and have no status. For each change of church areas or changing ministers in the same church area, people become freshmen all over again--you have to prove yourself, that you are in the faith--not to God, but to men. It's even worse if you move from one brand of the church of gods to another. For one of the smallest of them, it takes you three years of starting all over from the ground up truly to be called a "member". In this environment of being stripped of all dignity, honor and credibility, any protestations that anything is wrong and particularly protestations that the religion is rotten and evil, harming the children, will be met with eviction. You have no rights. You have no say. You have given your power--even to protect your own family--to a guru, a cult leader and an organization which does not even care about you or your children, no matter how much they pretend to do so. They protect their own organization, belief structure and leadership to the extent that they will protect their own, even to allowing stalkers, fondlers and pedophiles to move freely among them--and this with the background "noise" of insanity, embracing publishing the evils of this world in the guise of doing good. What the church of gods presents is a far cry from whatsoever is true and lovely and of good report. Just why is there so much bad news in The Good News? Is it not so they can consume it upon their lusts, filled with the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life? In the end, it's obscene. It is obscenity of the worst sort. By engaging in this obscenity, the church of gods fail to recognize the basic human rights and dignity, and is therefore, obsolete. It is the children who suffer--for a life time. Also visit http://www.cultabuse.com Last Updated: Saturday, April 02, 2005 |